Approval has been given for 12 to 15 year olds to receive a dose of the Covid Vaccine and therefore be vaccinated like the rest of us. I personally am not very happy with this one at all and here are my thoughts on it.
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By Andy 11 Comments
Greetings from Poland Andy. Vaccinations have already started here for everybody over the age of 15. Kids aged between 15 and 22 are offered one shot of Johnson and Johnson OR two shots of Pfizer All our schools reopened on 24th May. for the first week, on a hybrid basis then from 1st June, fully opened. All kindergarden and nursary schools are full functioning. No masks have to be worn on school premises. About 25% of the Polish population have decided not to be vaccinated – their choice of course. Population is about 36 million. To date, nearly 19 million have been vaccinated – of that figure, 11 million have had two shots. There are no published figures for how many children between 15 and 18 have been vaccinated.
Hi Mike
The fact is that there is actually no need for this vaccine, because on 13th March 2020, a statement said ” the virus has been downgraded to a light to mid flu and does not pose a threat to the public” I may not have got the wording right. I have seen this in black and white, and got it from a website:- Digital Warriors – David Mahoney and Lee Dawson, both English. They are patriots also. The governments of the world chose not to divulge this information because of their own adgendas. Evil bastards. There are legal actions being taken against all the world governments, right now by a group of lawyers, for covid fraud. And one English man is doing the same against 4 of our mps for the same reason. Good luck. UK patriot.
It was actually an announcement from the Surgeon General UK, and yes your wording is quite accurate
It looks like they are just using us to test this method of vaccination. While they use antibodies from people who have been infected on themselves.
With you all the way. We live in truly evil times, right from the start our government has lied about just about everything. If there truly was a deadly pandemic you wouldn’t have to bribe coerce and blackmail people into having it. How is that the overall death rate last year was the lowest in several, or did people just miraculously just stop dying of other things. They wouldn’t have to lie on death certificates to make up the numbers. Should our government officials not lead by example and been the first to have the injections as they were going into parliament, no they all just stay quiet and never mention having it at all. If these injections are so beneficial to our health then why are our soldiers exempt from having it, surely the people that are on the front line of our country’s defence should have been the first to have it, along with our government ?
I won’t have the jab, for a simple reason. My contact with “the public” is so minimal, living in an “all inclusive” seaside town with private beach and ability to avoid crowds, that the risk of blood clots is higher than my 4 trips to the airport per year.
My youngest, who is 16 at the end of the month and attending school in Northern California, was given no choice and neither was I. Schools will re-open for in-person learning in August, and students who have not been vaccinated, will not be allowed to go back to school.
For a student entering her second year with a straight A+ average, taking all Advanced Placement classes towards college, if she was not able to attend school in person, her class selection would be severely restricted from home. She would lose the chance to remain on the Principal’s Honor Roll, and remain at the top of her class, could not seek candidacy for School Student Body President, and ultimately jeopardize her chances of acceptance at Columbia University in New York City, where she plans to attend college and law school. So either my child got the jab, or threw away her chances for the future education she’s worked so hard for. A no-win situation for the both of us.
That’s the position I recently found myself in, forced by the State Government of California to subject my child to a vaccine, which I can now only pray to God nightly, won’t end up causing her not to be able to have children. I don’t put anything past people like Bill Gates, and trust less than zero about this “New World Order.” Last November, this Country re-elected one President, only to have the losing candidate forced upon us by a Socialist Coup. This is a very evil time in our history, with the LEFT WING mindset, at both the helm and root of ALL EVIL.
I agree entirely Lorraine. Pleased to meet another patriot/concerned individual. i’m hopping mad, I’m English, but I still support Mr T. He is amazing, and I am pissed off about the other guy. Dont forget though he is being controlled. It won’t last much longer. Do you watch the truther channels, if not I recommend that you do. All patriots and fighting to the death about all this shit. Everyone who is pushing the Vaccines are heading for disaster, because they will all be held accountable, and may even be charged with war crimes. A doctor mentioned this, thats how I know. Recommend Patriot street fighter 11, Scott Mckay. Good luck. UK pattriot. xx
I do wish people would stop using the word VACCINE to describe this injection or jab of an untested concoction of ingredients that has been proved to alter your DNA , and damage your bodies own immune system ,There is lots of information on the internet if you really want to know more , or if you are quite content to believe what the government and the establishment lies that are being used via the Main Stream News outlet including TV. Your Body. Your Choice,.
Well done this is pure evil
Hi Andy look at Dr Sherri Tenpenny. She is an authority on vaccines. She will put you straight. No nonsense. This vaccine has nothing to do with the plandemic, and yes I have spelt that right. I think its is disgusting, and they are trying to take away all of out rights. This will not go on for much longer try not to worry Andy, and other viewers. I have not taken it and they can shuove it right where the sun doesnt shine.
Uk patriot, truth justice and freedom. Best wishes.
Further to my other comments, just read someone elses. In view of kids not being able to go back to school, i say all the parents need to revolt, and refuse to take their kids to schooll. Soon Common law will be the ruling law, and you will probably be able to take legal action against the schools, things will change for the better. Our human rights, still stand, although the Magna Carta was brought in a long time ago.. They tried to take that away from us. Dont let them.